Keep Your Mail Order Packaging Eco-Friendly

With most stores closed, it’s hard to avoid ordering products online. And I’m sure we all can admit that during those extra boring lockdown days, we may have splurged in a little extra online shopping…
Sadly it’s not always just your product you’re receiving in the mail, it’s all the extra packaging and waste that comes with it too.
We’ve all gotten a package before that comes in a box, only to be packaged by another box inside. Or the notorious tiny item that’s shipped in a massive bag or box. And can’t forget about those styrofoam packing peanuts, and tons of plastic wrapping around everything! A ticking bomb of pollution for our ocean.
Although online shopping and mail orders can be unavoidable during these times, extra packaging doesn’t have to be a part of it.
We’ve compiled a list of tips below to keep in mind the next time you need to order something online!
1. Can you get it in person?
This is the first thing you should ask yourself before purchasing something online. Can you borrow it from a friend, or head to a store to buy it before stooping to online shopping? This avoids packaging all together!
2. Order from sustainable companies that opt for environmentally friendly packaging.
Most sustainable stores will ship items in as little material as possible and will avoid any plastic use. Some companies even send their items in compostable bags!
3. If you have to order through Amazon, switch to the more sustainable packaging option.
You can search for products that ship with “frustration-free packaging”. Simply add the term “frustration-free packaging” in the search field, then choose this option from the product detail page (like you would for size and color of an item)
4. Recycle any packaging materials you can!
Remove all tape from your cardboard boxes, and flatten them when leaving out for recycling. Some packaging materials can’t be recycled curbside, so it’s important to look up how to recycle certain materials. 
We may not be able to prevent buying extra online during these crazy times, but we can certainly prevent our mail orders from being unsustainable! Hopefully this guide will lead you into the direction of an eco-friendly online shopper.