How Volunteering Changed My Life: A Personal Story

Niki reading to a Blue Ocean Discovery Center visitor

One of the best decisions I ever made was volunteering at the Blue Ocean Discovery Center. It was the summer before my senior year of high school and I wanted to be involved in something fun. I also knew that in the fall I wanted to start applying to colleges and needed to beef up my college application. When I learned about the volunteer opportunity I was very interested but also unsure.  I knew I wanted to work with animals one day, plus the job sounded fun. So I put my nerves aside and applied.

First Summer at the Blue Ocean Discovery Center

During that summer I had more fun than I could have imagined. The staff and interns were so lovely and taught me so many things. It didn’t take long for me to pick up the life history facts of every animal in the center. I had signed up for a few hours, a few days a week, and every day I found myself trying to find excuses to stay longer. Even though I repeatedly spoke with visitors about the same animals, it never got old. The joy I got from inspiring them to recycle, or at least not throw their trash on the beach, was nothing like I ever felt before.

I left this volunteer experience with an even stronger passion for working with wildlife and a better idea of whatI wanted to study in college. In the fall of 2014, I was accepted to Unity College to get my Bachelor of Science Degree in Captive Wildlife Care and Education. At Unity, I developed an even deeper passion for animals and learned about environmental issues. I spent time working with all different kinds of animals in the summers while I wasn’t at school, but I never forgot about the time I spent at the Discovery Center. At the time, I couldn’t commit to something unpaid, but the idea of working there never really went away.

Niki with a female American Kestrel
Niki with a female American Kestrel

Looking for a Job

A few years after graduation, after the world started to reopen after the COVID pandemic hit, I found myself looking for a job. I doubted that a place so impressive as the Blue Ocean Society had any job openings, but I decided to look anyway. Well, my jaw almost hit the floor when I saw they were hiring an educator to manage the Discovery Center for the summer. Without hesitation, I applied. I doubted if anyone remembered me, but I knew I had to try at least. Not long after my interview, the Blue Ocean Society for Marine Conservation hired me. I was beyond excited.

Niki teaching young vistors about a horseshoe crab

My official job title was “summer educator.” It was my job to help care for the animals, educate visitors, lead beach clean-ups/ assist with educational programming and manage the staff at the Discovery Center. Recently I have been promoted to Assistant Director, where I keep all of my old responsibilities as a year-round position. I have also picked up a few new roles, including educational programming development and internship supervisor. One of the most exciting parts of this job is the ability to be a mentor and role model for other people who want to be environmental educators, just like the staff and other interns were for me. 

I can’t say that it will turn into a career every time you volunteer somewhere. But I also can’t tell you that volunteering for the Blue Ocean Society for Marine Conservation didn’t change my life. Even if I hadn’t gotten a job here after college, it still helped me narrow down what I wanted to do with my life. So my advice is this: if you are interested; get involved!  There are other opportunities outside of the center as well, such as beach clean-ups, microplastics sampling, in-office work, and more! It is never too early or too late in life to join.

For more information on our volunteer opportunities check out the links below!

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Niki with Beach Cleanup Volunteers in Ogunquit
Niki and volunteers documenting litter at a beach cleanup