Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan 2016-2020 (PDF File)

Humpback flipper-slappingMajor Programs

  • Researching the behavior and populations of Gulf of Maine fin, humpback and minke whales.
  • Educating people about marine life and human impacts through hands-on experiences, including beach cleanups, whale watches, school programs and our Blue Ocean Discovery Center in Hampton Beach.
  • Inspiring and taking action through marine debris cleanups, pollution prevention campaigns and introducing simple behavior changes anyone can take to benefit Gulf of Maine marine life.


Goal: Use our leading research to protect marine life in the Gulf of Maine.  


  • Increase the scientific knowledge base of the health, habitat use, population and behavior of whales, which are indicator species in the Gulf of Maine.
  • Document human and environmental impacts on marine life to develop programs to better protect them in the future.
  • Collaborate with the broader scientific community to protect marine life in the Gulf of Maine.


Goal: Increase the number of informed, appreciative and passionate citizens who engage in protecting marine life.


  • Using interactive experiences, inspire more than 50,000 people each year to become marine life advocates.
  • Teach more than 5,000 students annually about whale biology, behavior and conservation using our life-sized inflatable whale.
  • Help 20,000 annual Blue Ocean Discovery Center visitors make lasting connections to the ocean through personal experiences at our touch tanks and exhibits.
  • Provide the best whale watching experience in New England to over 25,000 passengers annually.
  • Inspire 3,000+ beach cleanup volunteers per year to prevent pollution.
  • Host an annual workshop to provide professional development, scientific information and inspiration to other educators.


Goal: Increase the number of people that take action to protect the marine environment.


  • Provide meaningful hands-on experiences that lead to protection of marine life.
  • Encourage and demonstrate sustainable actions for the benefit of marine life.
  • Inspire giving to support Blue Ocean Society’s work.


Goal: Have the necessary resources to achieve our mission and to sustain and expand the organization.


  • Increase resources to refine and improve all of our programs.
  • Have a strong Board of Directors that is diverse, engaged and well-qualified.
  • Achieve a balanced financial portfolio.